Sermons, hymns, meditations and other musings to guide our annual pilgrim's progress through the liturgical year.

Sunday, April 21, 2019



By Venantius Fortunatus, 6th century (Salve Festa Dies)

Hail thee, festival day! 
Blest day that art hallowed forever; 
day wherein Christ arose, 
breaking the kingdom of death.

Lo, the fair beauty of earth, 
from the death of the winter arising, 
every good gift of the year 
now with its Master returns.

He who was nailed to the Cross 
is God and the Ruler of all things; 
all things created on earth 
worship the Maker of all. 

God of all pity and power, 
let thy word be assured to the doubted; 
light on the third day returns: 
rise, Son of God, from the tomb! 

Ill doth it seem that thy limbs 
should linger in lowly dishonor; 
ransom and price of the world, 
veiled from the vision of men.

Loosen, O Lord, the enchained, 
the spirits imprisoned in darkness; 
rescue, recall into life those 
who are rushing to death.

Ill it beseemeth that thou, 
by whose hand all things are encompassed, 
captive and bound shouldst remain, 
deep in the gloom of the rock. 

Rise now, O Lord, from the grave 
and cast off the shroud that enwrapped thee; 
thou art sufficient for us; 
nothing without thee exists. 

Mourning they laid thee to rest, 
who art Author of life and creation; 
treading the pathway of death, 

life thou bestowedst on man.

Show us thy face once more, 
that the ages may joy in thy brightness; 
give us the light of day, 
darkened on earth at thy death. 

Out of the prison of death 
thou art rescuing numberless captives; 
freely they tread in the way 
whither their Maker has gone. 

Jesus has harrowed hell; 
he had led captivity captive; 
darkness and chaos and death 
flee from the face of the light. 

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