Sermons, hymns, meditations and other musings to guide our annual pilgrim's progress through the liturgical year.

Sunday, August 1, 2021



The lesson from the Act of the Apostles which I have just read, recounts the story of St. Peter’s arrest and imprisonment by King Herod, and his miraculous liberation by an angel of God.  We tend to forget that this was the first of at two occasions when St. Peter was chained in prisons dark.  The second time occurred a few years later in the year 67 A.D. when he was arrested in Rome and put in chains, along with his fellow apostle, St. Paul, in the dreaded Mamertine Prison, which still stands to this day.  From this jail cell, he was taken to the place of execution and there crucified, faithfully following his divine Master even unto death.

Twice arrested, twice chained in prisons dark, and yes, twice set free.  For his death upside down on the cross was indeed a liberation, a martyr’s death which freed his spirit from the chains of this life, and lifted him up from the vale of tears, with which we are all too familiar in this world, to a better place of eternal freedom.

Chains are instruments of oppression, symbols of the power which is so often abused by those who wield them.  So many people who are held in chains do not deserve such a fate, and it has always been the duty of Catholics to visit those held in captivity and relieve the sufferings of those who endure the torments of imprisonment.  Oppression of the weak, injustice against the most vulnerable members of our society is one of the four sins crying to heaven for vengeance, and it is incumbent upon us all, first to avoid such sins ourselves, and then to provide assistance to the victims of others who commit them.

Chains are so often the tools of the Devil.  He uses them to enslave the masses under his tyrannical yoke of temptation, sin, and despair.  It is his ultimate wish to draw all souls to hell, partly because he hates us, who are God’s creatures, but mostly because he wishes to do harm to God himself.  As if he ever could!  And yet, so many are so willing to take these chains upon themselves, in happy ignorance that they are committing themselves to an eternity of submission to the Devil.  Ironically, as they wrap these chains around their own necks, they see themselves as somehow freeing themselves from the burden of authority, from the duty of obeying laws they don’t like, casting aside a conscience that stops them doing the things they enjoy. That it is God who commands them to obey is lost on them as they frantically cast off what they see as his ball and chain of subservience, as they exchange their submission to God for the new unimagined horrors of slavery to their own debauched desires and to the Devil.

It is a sad thing when we watch those we love slipping down this path of “self-liberation”.  They want to show off their new-found liberty, so smug that they have found the path to true happiness by doing whatever they want.  It happens in our own families, it’s happening in our schools, our government, threatening the very bedrock upon which our Society is based.  And, worst of all, it’s happening even in our spiritual home, our Church.  I’m sure you’ve all heard about the latest atrocity spewing from the poison pen of the Modernist-in-Chief, Mr. Bergoglio, during these last few weeks.  His attempt to wipe the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the face of the earth is nothing more than his latest attempt to be free of the “chains” of the Holy Sacrifice of our Blessed Lord.   Because this is how he sees the Mass.  Rather than recognizing it as the continuation of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross, our Redemption, the source of all graces, he would rather stomp it out of existence because it conflicts with his own modernist and, dare I say it, Satanic agenda.  Certainly, with the recent memory of his veneration of the demonic statue of Pachamama fresh in our minds, we may suspect that his motives behind his obliteration of the Latin Mass are based in the deliberate and blasphemous desire to reshape the Bride of Christ to his own image and likeness.  Bergoglio, it seems, can’t work quickly enough towards the total annihilation of the Mass that Christ gave us, and the damnation of as many souls as possible.  By his actions, he shows himself to be the willing tool of Satan, a true child of darkness.

The Catholic faithful today are those vulnerable members of society, the “widows and orphans” whose oppression rises to heaven as a great cry for vengeance.  And it is the Church of Vatican II which is the source of this oppression, which places the chains of oppression upon us.  It is the Catholic faithful who have been given the tremendous privilege, once accorded to so many early Christians, and including St. Peter himself, of being chained against their will because of their faith.  We suffer for this faith, perhaps not as violently as they did, but with a kind of dry martyrdom, devoid of the comfort and support of our popes and pastors, who have somehow morphed into becoming the enemies of God.  Even in the early days of Christianity when we were being fed to the lions in the Colosseum, we had apostles, we had popes and bishops who saw to it that the faith survived in the catacombs.  Today, even our catacombs of tradition are under attack by these very popes and bishops.  When they arrested our first Pope, St. Peter, and put him in chains the first time, there appeared an angel who freed him from prison.  The second time angels came down to carry his soul in triumph to heaven.  Today, St. Peter, the rock upon which our Church is built, is again in chains, and I see no angels coming to our rescue yet.  But they will come, one way or the other.

Our faith, you see, is the same for which our fathers died.  It lives on still, in spite of dungeon, fire and sword.  And whether angels come to break the chains from our wrists and ankles, or whether they come to carry our soul to heaven, we will indeed one day be free if we keep that Faith.  And so, with Mary’s prayers, and with the truth that comes from God, let us be true to that faith till death.

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