Sermons, hymns, meditations and other musings to guide our annual pilgrim's progress through the liturgical year.

Sunday, January 22, 2017



There seem to be more new beginnings than usual as we start out this new year of 2017.  On Friday, our nation’s capital witnessed the swearing-in of its 45th president, the pomp and ceremonial providing a suitable accompaniment for the hopes and dreams of so many God-fearing Americans.  We must remember to pray hard for our new president and his administration, that he can somehow manage to unite the people of this country without compromising our God-given values and beliefs.

Meanwhile, in our own little world, the chapel of St. Margaret Mary has resumed its schedule of weekly Masses, for what we hope will be a long, fruitful, and harmonious apostolate in this part of Ohio.  I am very grateful for the warm welcome you have given me, and for the opportunity to serve your spiritual needs.  I am looking forward to getting to know you all in the weeks and months to come, and encourage you to contact me if you would like to discuss any aspect of your faith or spiritual life.

It is appropriate that this Sunday falls within the Chair of Unity Octave. Each of the eight days of this octave is dedicated to the return of one or other non-Catholic group to the bosom of the Catholic Church.  This is not some silly ecumenical nonsense dreamed up since Vatican II, but was approved by the great and holy Pope St. Pius X to foster the true union of Christians which can only be realized within the Church that Christ founded.  It is our solemn duty to pray for those outside her walls, in the darkness where there is no salvation, that their souls may be saved through the graces that can be found in the Catholic Church alone.

Today’s intention is for the Protestants of America, and it is particularly appropriate that we should be offering up our prayers for spiritual unity with them at a time when we stand in such political solidarity.  Please join in the special prayers after Mass today with true apostolic zeal for these souls who love God so very much, but are deprived of the fullness of the faith and the grace of the sacraments.

Finally, your prayers are also asked for the newest member of our chapel, Lucia Catherine Ream, who was delivered into this world last Tuesday, and who will have her own new beginning in the waters of baptism after Mass today.  May God grant her a long and holy life.

Father Hall

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