Sermons, hymns, meditations and other musings to guide our annual pilgrim's progress through the liturgical year.

Sunday, May 28, 2017



In today’s Epistle we are warned by our Lord that the time cometh when “whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.”  This admonition happens to be very timely, as we come to the end of a week in which Muslim extremists saw fit to murder 22 people in England and another 25 in Egypt, all in the name of Allah.  Despite God’s commandment that “thou shalt not kill,” men seem to find so many reasons to justify disobeying this sacred law.  Worst of all, we often find our justification in some perverse interpretation of what we see to be “the will of God”.

We should not forget that the original Hebrew of the Ten Commandments forbids the unlawful taking of life.  It does not forbid killing in the act of self-defense or the defense of our neighbor, nor does it mean that on the larger scale, we may not kill on the battlefield as our homeland fights for its survival.  Capital punishment is also justifiable as the defense of our society from those who have proved themselves wholly unfit to exist in it.  Since Vatican II, the liberal snowflake clergy have totally confused these distinctions, and attempt to convince us that all killing is equally evil, whether it be the murder of the unborn or the execution of the murderer.  This is patently absurd, and no Catholic with any brains will be persuaded by their nonsense.

As liberalism grows by leaps and bounds in this world, we are going to see it eventually extend to its logical conclusion, which will be the manic and ferocious attempt to eradicate the Truth of God from the face of the earth.  This, unfortunately, bodes ill for those of us who uphold that Truth, and we must prepare for the martyrdom of which our Lord speaks to us today.  Whether we die at the hands of Islamic terrorists or of fanatical left-wing lunatics from Berkeley, it matters not.  If the killing is done out of hatred for God, or for the truths or moral law of God, the crown of martyrdom is waiting for all those who lay down their lives in his Name.

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