In the Third Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, we contemplate the role that the Holy Ghost plays in the story of our Redemption. While only this one Mystery is devoted entirely to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, we should remember that the Holy Ghost is in fact the unseen producer of this entire epic story, without whom it could never have been recorded, transmitted, or believed.
The Holy Ghost is there in the beginning of the world when he moved over the face of the deep, igniting the first spark, which would illuminate all of Creation. He is there at the beginning too of our Rosary, when he overshadowed the young Maiden of Nazareth enkindling a new yet everlasting spark of light within her womb with a flash that was to be the Light of the World. And now, at Pentecost, the Holy Ghost is present once again this time at the beginning of the Church, igniting with tongues of fire the souls of St. Peter and the other Apostles, enflaming their minds and hearts with the fortitude and all-consuming love of God that would inspire them to evangelize the world.
The Holy Ghost is the Lord and Giver of Life. When he first gave light to the world, he created an environment of time and space in which Life could exist.
He was the life-giving force of the Son of God’s humanity, the breath of God animating the Body of Christ and giving it a soul: “In him [Christ] was life; and the life was the light of men.”
The Holy Ghost similarly give life to all men, breathing into us at conception that vital spark of immortality that separates from all other material beings. In giving life, the Holy Ghost illuminates the hearts of men with that same flash of light that began the world’s creation, the light of God’s love that allows us to love God in return. It’s why we sing at Pentecost those noble words, “Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of thy love!”
that we may be deserving of everlasting life with God, our Lord requires of us
to be perfect. Only our perfect love for
God can measure up to his love for us.
But how can man ever be perfect?
How can he love perfectly? There
is only one way we can worship God perfectly and infinitely, and that is by
offering to him the perfect and infinite sacrifice of his Son. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass continues this
perfect sacrifice until the end of time, and is our act of perfect love. Only by the actions of the Holy Spirit can
this be accomplished as he once again proceeds from the Father and the Son to
ignite the spark of life at the words of Consecration that will bring the Light
of the World to dwell amongst us once more.
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