So much has happened during this
year, and very little of it has been good.
This time last year, we were happily enjoying our country’s strongest
economy ever, its lowest unemployment ever, with a president who seemed as
though nothing could stop him, that he would be invincible in the upcoming
election of 2020. The children of
darkness kept trying, but they kept failing.
But then, as soon as the impeachment farce ended in January, suddenly as
if by magic (black magic no doubt), there appeared a strain of flu that would
be used as the ultimate weapon to destroy all the president had
Last week, when we read in the
Gospel about the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, our
thoughts couldn’t help turning to a more natural equivalent—to the horrific
picture of Joe Biden moving into the White House, a supposed Catholic who has voted
at every opportunity throughout his career to promote the murder of unborn
children. Truly an abomination. And when we read how we should flee into the
mountains, we think of how we’re being forced to flee the “dreaded virus” by
involuntary seclusion in our homes, quarantines in which our elderly loved ones
are trapped in hospitals and nursing homes, lined up like lambs for the
slaughter by the likes of Governor Cuomo of New York (another supposed Catholic
by the way), effectively being euthanized by forced close contact with
coronavirus patients, separated from their family, and with not even a priest
allowed in to give them the Last Rites. Turn
on the TV, even Fox, and all you find is non-stop coverage of Biden’s latest
picks for a cabinet millions believe he’s not entitled to, and the total acceptance
of an extremely dubious election. The so-called
Catholic bishops are falling over each other to join Planned Parenthood in
congratulating our “new Catholic president.”
Where can we turn to shine light on all this darkness. Truly, everywhere we look, there are nothing
but false prophets who, as our Lord prophesied, are successfully deceiving even
the very elect.
Is there any light at all in this
darkness? Today’s Gospel tells us there
will be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars. Even the sun has lost its light, as the
bright light of the Catholic Church is by now almost extinguished. We have popes and bishops who promote the
values of the French Revolution—liberty, brotherhood and equality—rather than
the kingship of Christ. And the sun gets
no help from the moon, our nation, with the prospect of the anti-Christian Democratic
party bubbling up from the swamp to complete its globalist agenda and the
destruction of America. This moon of the
Deep State has lost whatever light of truth and decency it ever had, and the
stars follow this moon into the darkness.
The stars of Hollywood and television happily lead the way with their
barrage of propaganda, indoctrinating us with their own ideals, the
glorification of self-absorption, the promotion of all forms of vice, natural
and even unnatural. False prophets everywhere.
But last week, we also learned
that we have the means at our disposal to maintain our faith and hope in God’s
providence alive and strong. We have a God-given
vaccine to cure us from any despair, to inspire us to ever greater heights of
religious fortitude. That vaccine, you’ll
remember, is Holy Communion, the frequent reception of the Body and Blood of
Christ in his divine Eucharist.
Apart from helping our faith and
hope, Holy Communion is also a booster shot for our charity, our love of God and
neighbor. The importance of this holy
charity can never be underestimated or overemphasized. Charity is what our Lord described as the
greatest of the commandments, and the one on which all the law and the prophets
depend. Yes, all the prophets. Not the false prophets we’ve been talking
about, the crazy gurus and the evil deceivers of this world, with their lies,
their false teachings and Satanic ideals of moral self-indulgence, political
upheaval, and religious suicide. But the
true prophets, men like Elijah, Daniel, and Isaiah.
In fact, it was one of the prophecies
of Isaiah that we read just before the blessing of the Advent Wreath this
morning: “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that
dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” It is one of the great beauties of the Church’s
liturgy that it always seems to provide us with the right words of comfort just
when we need them most. These words of
the eternal and divine worship remain, even though the evil men who now control
Rome have done their best to suppress them.
Today, we seem to be walking in
darkness as in the days of old. And so
we look for that same great light to shine upon us once again. We look to the heavens. And as our worldly sun and moon and stars
fade before our very eyes, we gaze up like the astronomers of ancient times to
behold a new light in the East. Three of
those astronomers, wise men all, decided to follow that Star of Bethlehem as it
moved across the skies of Asia, shedding a new kind of light on the lands
below. As our world darkens around us on
this grim November morning, we find ourselves once again welcoming the season
of Advent. The promise of a light that
will shine upon the people that walk in darkness, a light that will illuminate this
“land of the shadow of death.” “For unto
us a child is born, unto us a son is given.”
At his presentation in the
temple, this newborn Child would be held up by the old man Simeon in the
temple. And Simeon would prophesy that this Child was
to be “a light, to lighten the Gentiles, and to be the glory of thy people
Israel.” That light is returning this
Advent, moving inexorably across the heavens towards Bethlehem. It has come to “lighten the Gentiles,” to
lighten us. The Christ Child is the
Light of the World, and he comes not only to shine in our midst, to sweep away
the darkness of the world in the glory of his brightness. He comes also to kindle in us, in our own
cold hearts, the fire of his love. You see, it’s not enough to just follow the
Star to Bethlehem. When we arrive at the
Christmas stable, we must kneel before our newborn King, and we must present to
him the gift of our own soul, allowing the light of grace to shine from us
also, making sure we follow this Child’s wishes by letting our light so shine
before men that they should see our good works, and glorify their Father which
is in heaven. This is loving God above
all things and our neighbor as ourselves. This is charity.
And so as people start putting up
colored lights on their houses, as giant reindeer and snowman balloons appear
on people’s lawns, and Christmas trees are lit in a multitude of squares and
malls all over the land, let’s take all these Christmas lights and decorations for
what they are—the reflection and reminder of the great light that will surely follow.
Let’s refocus on that Star of Bethlehem
that is the window in the sky to the brightness of the heaven beyond. Let’s follow that star to the Christ Child, taking
a break from our constant self-indulgence.
Let’s prepare ourselves for his coming.
Let’s think of the needs of others rather than ourselves. Let’s talk to God more, worshipping him, obeying
his commandments, thanking him for all his blessings past, present and future. And above all, let’s constantly remember what
Christmas is all about, the coming of the Christ Child, and his eternal mission
to enlighten the darkness of our minds by the grace of his visitation.