Today, May
8, is also the Feast of the Apparition of the Archangel Michael. This is the second of the feasts of St. Michael,
the other, of course, being Michaelmas, held on September 29. The following is the reading from the Matins
of May 8. While it is not read today as
the Sunday lessons take precedence, it is a good opportunity nevertheless to
learn about the origin of this second feast of this warrior Angel who cast
Satan out of heaven.
“That the blessed Archangel Michael hath oftentimes been seen of men is attested on the authority of the Holy Bible, and also by the ancient traditions of the Saints. For this reason such visions are held in remembrance in many places. As of old time did the Synagogue of the Jews, so now doth the Church of God venerate Michael as her watcher and defender. But during the Popedom of Gelasius I, the summit of Mount Gargano in Apulia, at whose foot lieth the town of Siponto, was the scene of an extraordinary appearance of this same Archangel Michael.
“And it came to pass on this wise. A certain man had a bull grazing with the flock upon Mount Gargano, and it strayed. And when they had sought it for a long while they found it jammed in the mouth of a cavern. Then one that stood there shot an arrow at it to slay it, but the arrow turned round and came back against him that had shot it. They therefore that saw it, and all those that heard it, were sore afraid because of that which had come to pass, so that no man dared any more to draw near to the cavern. But when they had sought counsel of the Bishop of Siponto, he answered, that it behoved to seek the interpretation from God, and proclaimed three days of fasting and prayer.
three days the Archangel Michael gave warning to the Bishop that that place was
under his protection, and that he had thus pointed out by a sign that he wished
that worship should be offered to God there, with remembrance of himself and of
the Angels. Then the Bishop and the
citizens made haste and came to the cavern; and when they found that the form
thereof was somewhat after the fashion of a Church they began to perform the public worship of
God therein: which sanctuary hath been
glorified with many miracles. It was not
long after these things that Pope Boniface IV hallowed the Church of St.
Michael on Hadrian's Mole at Rome, on the 29th day of September, on the which
day the Church also holdeth in remembrance All Angels. But this present day is hallowed in
remembrance of the manifestation of the Archangel Michael.”
As we
crown our blessed Mother on this day, we should consider her role as Queen of
Angels. St. Michael is the one who took
up the defense of God that day of the Great Battle of Heaven. As such, he fought for the Mother of God
also, a role he has been fulfilling ever since.
Let us do our part to fight that good fight, always defending the good
name of Mary, and never failing in our own role as her blessed and honorable
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