Sermons, hymns, meditations and other musings to guide our annual pilgrim's progress through the liturgical year.

Sunday, January 2, 2022



Late 15th century, Translated by John Mason and Robert F. Neill



1 To the name that brings salvation

Praise and honour let us pay,

Which for many a generation

Hid in God's foreknowledge lay,

But to every tongue and nation

Holy Church proclaims today.


2 Jesus--be that name we treasure,

Name beyond that words can tell;

Name of gladness, name of pleasure,

Ear and heart delighting well;

Name of sweetness, passing measure,

Freeing souls from sin's dark spell.


3 Name that calls for adoration,

Name that speaks of victory,

Name for grateful meditation

In the vale of misery,

Name for loving veneration

By the citizens on high.


4 Name that whosoever preaches

Makes sweet music to the ear;

Who in prayer this name beseeches

Finds divinest comfort near;

Joyful then the heart that reaches

To embrace that name so dear.


5 Name by hard-won right exalted

Over every other name;

And when man was sore assaulted

Put the enemy to shame:

Strength to them that else had halted,

Sight to blind, and health to lame.


6 Jesu, we thy name adoring,

Long to see thee as thou art:

Of thy clemency imploring

So to write it in our heart,

That hereafter, upward soaring,

We with angels may have part.


7 Where thou reignest with the Father,

Thou the everlasting Son,

Where with the eternal Spirit,

Threefold God, yet ever One,

May our eyes behold the splendour

When our earthly course is done.

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