There was a time when the Church of Rome took the words of Christ seriously. When our blessed Lord told his apostles to go forth unto all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, he was giving a command not only to his twelve apostles, but to their successors. He was ordering them to seek out those people who were not members of the Church and instruct them in the faith so they could become members. Unless a man believe in this faith, he cannot be saved. Nobody comes to the Father except by me, said our Lord. So if he taught us explicitly the importance of converting and baptizing non-Catholics, how is it that since Vatican II, the new Church has been teaching the very opposite?
Vatican II plainly teaches heresy, notably in the document Lumen Gentium, in which we are told that the Church of Christ is, after all, not to be identified solely with the Catholic Church. This contradicts the age-old teaching of this same Catholic Church, most recently confirmed by Satis Cognitum of Pope Leo XIII, Mortalium Animos of Pope Pius XI, Mystici Corporis of Pope Pius XII and in condemnations made by the Holy Office under Pope Pius IX. Plainly stated, Vatican II declares that it is not essential to be a Catholic in order to be saved, and that being Catholic merely provides us with a slight advantage over our Protestant, Jewish, Muslim or Voodoo brethren.
Given this false premise, is it any wonder that the missionary orders have all but vanished in the years since this heresy was promulgated by the false conciliar Church of John XXIII, Paul VI and their successors. Their present leader, Jorge Bergoglio, has doubled down on the heresy, opening up the possibility of salvation to not only heretics like Martin Luther, but now to the immoral as well. After all, says he, who is he to judge? But it is precisely the job of a true pope to judge—not individual souls, certainly, but the actions whereby those individuals conduct their lives. It’s what the Church has always done, and no amount of fake humility removes the responsibility from those in authority to judge those who break the laws of God.
It is for this very reason that even we, who have no authority whatsoever, can yet quite clearly condemn the words and teachings of this Jorge Bergoglio. What he says presents a clear and present danger to our souls and those of our neighbor. The irony is that those in greatest danger are those he so “lovingly” encourages to remain outside the Church or living an immoral lifestyle. Such is the way the Devil works.
It is our bounden
duty to help our fellow man to see the true Lumen Gentium—the Light of
the World—who came to teach us all about the Way, the Truth and the Life. He explained to us that he actually is
the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no man can come to the Father except
through him. Until we believe this, whether
explicitly or implicitly, we cannot be saved.
Hence the need for missionaries.
Given the directives from the new Rome, however, the work of the
missions has been undermined completely.
Why convert someone to the Catholic faith if they can save their souls
just as easily without it? We who know
better must take upon our own shoulders the added responsibility of becoming
missionaries ourselves. So on this
Mission Sunday, we do not pass the collection basket to gather up money to send
to the Holy Ghost Fathers or the other missionary orders. Instead we remind ourselves that it is now our
duty to do what they once did, not, perhaps, on the shores of distant lands,
but here at home, beginning with the deluded members of that once noble institution
that still claims the title of the Catholic Church. Let us do our part and instruct the ignorant. It is the first of the Spiritual Works of
Mercy, and now, more than ever, needs to be practised by all who would follow
our Master’s express command to be missionaries.
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